Lately there's something else to be concern about, rather than the tempat bebel yang gelap nih..Satu kali bukak rasa macam nak mencoret sesuatu, tp macam begitu berat tangan ni menaip...Maka tersadailah post tersebut di dalam draft...
Oh ya. About that something...In case ur wondering, I no longer possess the homemaker/housewife status anymore..You can say I resign that position for about a week and a half from today. I've got a job to do..Well, it's not a very impressive job but I will make do of it till i get a better job later... Working is way way wayyyyyy different than student life..Man, too tiring even to say why... No, I am not doing the cheap labour works...Maybe I just got used to my leasurely housewifey routine fot too long...My body is trying to adapt to the new environment..And my body clock too...So I have to get all tirey on the day to get a really good nite sleep...haa...
hey apedaa, kejap mlayu kejap omputih!
...ske ti lah!
erm, ok sambung, tapi, hari-hari sangat banyak makan juga.pagi makan.tengahari makan.petang makan.malam makan. Makan...terus! Ok, pasni kena sekat
Baiklah, patik mengundur diri dahulu...Semoga bertemu lagi di lembaran yang lain.